Hello there, I'm Codex.

I’m a Framer template helping busy people like you get organized and productive.

Hello there, I'm Codex.

I’m a Framer template helping busy people like you get organized and productive.

Hello there, I'm Codex.

I’m a Framer template helping busy people like you get organized and productive.

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Trusted by 100,000 customers worldwide

Trusted by 100,000 customers worldwide

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Second Brain


Capture & organize everything using the PARA method.

Content OS


Capture & organize everything using the PARA method.

Featured Courses

Notion Beginner Course

Capture & organize everything using the PARA method.

Notion Beginner Course

Capture & organize everything using the PARA method.

Notion Beginner Course

Capture & organize everything using the PARA method.

Building a Second Brain in Notion

Capture & organize everything using the PARA method.

Building a Second Brain in Notion

Capture & organize everything using the PARA method.

Building a Second Brain in Notion

Capture & organize everything using the PARA method.

Join 20,000 Notion friends in our amazing community.

Every week, I share Notion tips and resources to help you stay organized and productive.

Join 20,000 Notion friends in our amazing community.

Every week, I share Notion tips and resources to help you stay organized and productive.

Join 20,000 Notion friends in our amazing community.

Every week, I share Notion tips and resources to help you stay organized and productive.

The Notion Guy — helping you to stay organized and productive.

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The Notion Guy — helping you to stay organized and productive.

The Notion Guy — helping you to stay organized and productive.